Thursday, January 01, 2004
Hansel Castro
Hansel Castro is a Cuban refugee living somewhere in Miami, as Cuban refugees tend to do. Having been both a Semi-Socialist Atheist and a Quasi-Fascist Born Again, Hans feels licensed to mouth off at the absurdities of extremes from his current stance in the (slightly left leaning) center.
Alexander Blanco
Alexander Blanco is a writer in Miami who had to interrupt his education in the world to attend high school and college. Born and bred in Hialeah, Florida, Alexander has acquired a taste for Thai food, exquisite women and fine Portuguese literature. He does not drink merlot, chocolate milk or watches American Idol. Word once spread around town that he had died, and for many months it may or may not have been true. Word to the wise: keep your distance, for the Lexx has sharp teeth.
Alfred Soto
Alfred Soto was born in Columbus, MS. He received his bachelor's degree in English at Florida International University, where he works as assistant director of student media and an adjunct professor. His work has been published in The Miami Herald, Miami New Times, Street Weekly, The Village Voice, and Stylus Magazine. Soto reveres the novels of Henry James and New Order's "Technique." He deplores the addition of the semicolon to the Endangered Species List. A resolute contrarian in politics and love, Soto is a bachelor and expects to remain so the rest of his life.
Alex Segura Jr.
Alex Segura Jr. was born and raised in Miami, FL. to Cuban immigrant parents. He has written or served as an editor for various local and national publications, both in print and on the web, including The Miami Herald, Street Weekly, Wizard: The Comics Magazine,, The Great Curve, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Medios Magazine and Krause Publications. Currently, Alex spends his days as the Public Relations Coordinator (Direct Market) for Archie Comic Publications and serves as an Online Editor for The Miami Herald's website, When not at work, Alex enjoys reading, writing long e-mails, listening to good Talking Heads and bad Paul McCartney and spending time with his amazing girlfriend. His picture is not current. He takes great pleasure in the pretension of his fellow AGI bloggers. This is his first attempt at regular political writing.