Thursday, January 01, 2004

Alex Segura Jr.


Alex Segura Jr. was born and raised in Miami, FL. to Cuban immigrant parents. He has written or served as an editor for various local and national publications, both in print and on the web, including The Miami Herald, Street Weekly, Wizard: The Comics Magazine,, The Great Curve, The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Medios Magazine and Krause Publications. Currently, Alex spends his days as the Public Relations Coordinator (Direct Market) for Archie Comic Publications and serves as an Online Editor for The Miami Herald's website, When not at work, Alex enjoys reading, writing long e-mails, listening to good Talking Heads and bad Paul McCartney and spending time with his amazing girlfriend. His picture is not current. He takes great pleasure in the pretension of his fellow AGI bloggers. This is his first attempt at regular political writing.