Thursday, September 22, 2005

Fags: You will burn in hell

Now the Vatican has ruled that homosexuals, even celibate ones, will be barred from becoming Catholic priests. Even more disgustingly, the Church did so in part to parry accusations that it isn't doing enough to purge pedophiliacs from its seminaries. The logic is appalling. Andrew Sullivan, a devoted Catholic who in recent years has been ostracize by his own church, writes:

The fundamental point is fairness. It is fair to place restrictions on the conduct of priests and seminarians; it is even fair to take special note of gay seminarians and their unique struggles and insist on the removal of any who violate their vows; it is fair to ensure that seminaries don't become some kind of gay club, and that chastity is enforced and supported. It is not fair to discriminate against a whole group of people, regardless of their conduct. The latter is bigotry. Period. This new doctrine also stigmatizes the thousands of faithful, celibate gay priests now serving the Church: in effect, it says that they should never have been ordained, and that their "serious personality disorders" render them incapable of being priests. How are they supposed to continue?
The edict awaits the signature of Pope Benedict XVI, who more than ever resembles Emperor Palpatine.