Thursday, March 09, 2006

Brokeback, Vidal, and advertising

To protest the naming of Crash as Best Picture of 2005 by the Academy of Motion Picture Farts & Biases and as a gesture of thanks, the members of Dave Cullen's Brokeback forum got together in record time, rounding up over $16,000 to pay for a full-page ad in tomorrow's Variety.

Here's a link to the ad.

Finally, here's Gore Vidal, irascible as usual, proferring mini-reviews of Brokeback, Capote, and Match Point, his favorite film of 2005 (um, well, nobody's perfect). He confirms that Rupert Everett will play him in the Capote biopic due next year:

I’m being played by quite a good British actor—Rupert Everett. I ran into him recently, and he told me he was playing me, and so I said well, have a good time, and he said, “You know I’ve been complaining it’s such a small part.”

I said, “Because I avoided Capote!” [Laughs.]
Har har.