Who would have thunk it?
That I'd be nodding in agreement to quotes from the Cuban American National Foundation. From a piece in the New York Times, which has been a distant No. 2 to the Herald--but No. 2 nonetheless--in its coverage of the Castro situation.
Jorge Mas Santos, chairman of the Cuban American National Foundation, said there were still those who talked of reclaiming what was lost.
“You have people who lost a farm and now say they want their cows back,” Mr. Mas Santos said. “Forget it. The cow is dead.”
And I think this is exactly how I feel about my role in relation to Cuba.
“Cuba can give me nothing,’’ he said, “but what we have here, we can give to Cuba. Look at the miracle of South Florida. Yes, we can rebuild roads and buildings.
“But what we have to do is touch the hearts of Cubans and help them smile and dream again. To propel them into the future and not relive the past. That is our generation’s gift.”
Maybe I should join CANF... Nah.
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