A Good Last Name Too
Roy Zimmerman cracks me up, and I usually think very little of musical stand-up.
Check out "Jerry Falwell's God."
Now I keep on hearing about how creationists, evangelicals, anti-gay-marriage frothers and the such are too easy targets. Well, no, they're NOT easy targets if they're still standing around! An easy target is one that you can bring down easily. These people are not being brought down at ALL. By the latest polls, 55 % of Americans do not believe in evolution, which is observable and the foundation of all our biological and genetic understanding. They say it's just a "theory." Gravity is just a "theory" too, but I very much dare you to defy it as you walk around the house.
Now, I would happily spit on evolution if new scientific evidence opened up new understanding of life that suggested that, oh, I don't know, we were all actually designed last week by spacefaring robots that gave us retroactive memories, but I would need EVIDENCE. Americans are turning away from science because it doesn't match with some old, badly written Jewish legends. This should be extremely terrifying to any right thinking person.
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