Friday, February 11, 2005

Oh Darwin, Where Art Thou?

Found this Rep. Tom Coburn (R-OK) quote on William Gibson's blog. You know what I thought when I first read that? It's about damn time I begin production on my The O.C. rip-off emo-dramedy, tentatively titled My So-Called Copernicus.

And because no mention of lesbians shall go unnoticed, here's another quote from our favorite nerf-herding troglodyte:

Lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools in southeast Oklahoma that they'll only let one girl go to the bathroom. Now think about it. Think about that issue. How is it that that's happened to us?" —Rep. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)
Please, raise your hand (your other hand) if you are thinking about the issue...