Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Letting the days go Byrne

An interview with one of my former heroes David Byrne, timed (sort of) to coincide with the re-release/remastering of his Brian Eno collaboration My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, one of the most referenced aural mauseleums of the last 25 years (in which you'll find everything you disliked about Eno and Byrne in the first place leaving a ghastly reek). Yet I suspect he'd create a better record using the same methodology now -- or maybe his estimable championing of Tom Ze has rendered it a moot point. Among the topics: the value of naivete when approaching unfamiliar world musics, his diverting blog, and, er, "musical based on the life of Imelda Marcos, with music co-written by Fatboy Slim."


  1. Ian said...

    Former? Just natural attrition, or is there a reason he no longer resides so firmly in your affections?

  2. Alfred Soto said...

    Age, you know.