Silver lining
So the best thing to come out of this thing crisis is it's forced CNN into something resembling fair and balanced coverage--even if, it appears, they have some station requirement to say "Israel's right to defend itself" every 10 minutes or so--giving both sides relatively equal time.
Andy, I've enjoyed reading everyone's commentary here. Two questions:
1. Nice redesign. Could you set it up so that there's a link to your homepage from the individual entry pages (like there used to be), or make the header image into a giant link? That would make it a lot easier for people who pop over from RSS feeds to check out the rest of the site.
2. What would be, in your opinion, a good solution to the Israel/Palestine situation?
Thanks. I'll make the banner link to the home page.
There's really no quick solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem. One of the biggest problems is that the Israelis are not willing to give up a good chunk of the land they acquired in the '67 war.
Back in the late '90s everybody criticized Arafat for not taking the deal offered by Barak, which ostensibly gave him 90 percent of that land. But that was an egregious misstatement. The Israelis were offering 90 percent of the land acquired in '67 that didn't have Israelis living on it, which totally changes things.
But I think everybody hopes they go back to those times now. The Israelis have built a wall, taking even more land, they pulled out of Gaza, but built more settlements in the West Bank.
I think the responsibility for solving this crisis lies on Israeli shoulders. And they have strategically eschewed it. One thing that Israelis do constantly, and they're doing it now, is come in and level the Palestinian infrastructure, then blame them for not being able reign militants. They're doing it in Lebanon now.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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