Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's official: America loves THEM GAY PEOPLE

...according to TIME, so of course it's true. How fascinating to watch this Brokeback phenomenon; to read the horseshit claims issued in its behalf; to watch as this wonderful film is acclaimed for all the things it ain't.

This isn't stopping the film's marketers, who if there was a category for Best Public Relations Campaign extant would deserve a armful of them:

Focus had a marketing strategy that may be called a modified limited rollout. It released the film at a pace as measured as Lee's direction. The studio purposefully sent the movie first to urban cinemas, but not necessarily the gay neighborhoods, and relied on word of mouth. But it also spent big, more than the movie cost to make, on marketing, especially to women. It figured the men would go along if they "do not want to look like a complete troglodyte to [their] girlfriends," says Schamus.
Thankfully the folks at ILE bring things down to their proper level -- which is to say, the gutter.