Sunday, February 26, 2006

O' Reilly, Kaus, Krauthammer: There still ain't no reins on this one

Not particularly profound column by Andrew Sullivan on the surprising success of Brokeback Mountain, but it's worth reading for two reasons: rereading comments by nabobs back in December (like Charles Krauthammer's charming "Brokeback Mountain will have been seen in the theatres by 18 people — but the right 18 — and will win the Academy Award" remark in a Washington Post column); and his quiet wish that America acknowledge its peculiar homosocial history:

In America this is particularly odd, since the greatest gay writer in its history, Walt Whitman, was a man of the heartland. And you only have to read about the early years of Abraham Lincoln’s life to see that same-sex love and friendship was integral to the making of America, especially in its wildernesses and frontiers. You see that today even in the American gay vote, a third of which routinely backs Republicans.