Saturday, June 18, 2005

Husker Don't

According to Billboard, Husker Du vet Bob Mould has pretty much crapped on the idea of a reunion:

To me, that's just best left where it is. It was a period of my life that was great at the time. A lot of crazy things have been said and a lot of stupid things have been done. It's probably just best left where it is.

I can't say that I blame him. The article lists "storied" bands like Gang of Four, Slint and the Pixies as examples of a trend, but aside from Mission of Burma, which of these bands have made reasonably relevant new material? It's probably a good idea to let things be, and remember the good times.

And, as a final jab to Grant Hart:

"I can't imagine giving up what I have right now, which is being able to go out on tour with guys I like and am looking forward to playing with. I can't imagine giving up my DJ gig or the life I've spent years working toward for that kind of thing, which would clearly be a lucrative situation.

If you're still not Mould-ed out, check out the rocker/DJ's blog.