Friday, June 24, 2005

Tom Cruise goes apeshit

Tom Cruise lost his cool with Matt Lauer on The Today Show this morning. Lauer, remembering he's a journalist, grilled Cruise on the nature of the medical knowledge to which Cruise, as a Scientologist, is privy thanks to his relationship with the Dark Lord of the Sith:

M: [interrupting] But if anti-depressants worked for Brooke Shields, isn’t that OK?

T: I disagree with it.

M: But aren’t there examples where it works?

T: You don’t even know what Ritalin is! If you read the papers on how they came up with the drug, the
dosage … You should be more responsible in knowing what it is. I am responsible. I know these things.

M: You’re saying that you know how it affected people you don’t know, but I do? You’re now telling me that
what has and hasn’t worked for people I know, and I’m telling you I lived with these people and I saw an

T: So you’re advocating?

M: No, I’m not. I’m just saying that in their individual cases, it helped them … We could go in circles on
this matter. But do you want more people to understand Scientology? Is that a goal of yours?

T: Of course. And I don’t talk about things I don’t understand.

Oooh! Lauer got TOLD!