Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Rockism, revisited

Stylus has published a handful of thoughtful essays on the rockism phenomenon. Matt Cibula has written the best (and I urge you to ignore his tip of the hat to yours truly in the first paragraph). I've dealt with rockism most of my life in some form, from meatheads who think I'm yanking their schlongs when I admit to liking Amy Grant, Justin Timberlake, Kelly Clarkson; to snobs who consider OK Computer the greatest shit since Pink Floyd met us on the dark side of the moon because, like, it's an Important Artistic Statement. If there's anything I've learned from my lifelong passion for New Order, it's (a) Important Artistic Statements are boring; (b) lyrics are overrated; (c) rhythm sections, good ones, are underrated, especially by white guys with guitars. While we're at it, let's add: (d) White guys with guitars are overrated.