Thursday, July 14, 2005

Soto's favorite flicks

My idiosyncratic list of my favorite films, in alphabetical order. No doubt I've forgotten some. The criteria: films I don't mind watching at any time. Lots of film noir and comedies.

Aliens, dir. James Cameron (1986)
All About Eve, dir. Joseph Mankiewicz (1950)
Before Sunrise, dir. Richard Linklater (1994)
The Big Sleep, dir. Howard Hawks (1944)
Blue Velvet, dir. David Lynch (1986)
Chinatown, dir. Roman Polanski (1974)
Citizen Kane, dir. Orson Welles (1941)
Dangerous Liasions, dir. Stephen Frears (1988)
Dead Ringers, dir. David Cronenberg (1988)
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, dir. Luis Bunuel (1972)
The Earrings of Madame De.... dir, Max Ophuls (1951)
The Empire Strikes Back, dir. Irvin Kershner (1980)
A Fish Called Wanda, dir. Charles Crichton (1988)
The Godfather Saga, dir. Francis Ford Coppola (1976)
Husbands & Wives, dir. Woody Allen (1992)
Imitation of Life, dir. Douglas Sirk (1959)
Jules et Jim, dir. Francois Truffaut (1961)
The Lady Eve, dir. Preston Sturges (1941)
The Maltese Falcon, dir. John Huston (1941)
Midnight, dir. Mitchell Leisen (1938)
My Own Private Idaho, dir. Gus Van Sant (1991)
The Naked Gun, dir. David Zucker (1988)
Notorious, dir. Alfred Hitchcock (1944)
Pulp Fiction, dir. Quentin Tarantino (1994)
Trois Couleurs: Rouge, dir. Krystof Kieslowski (1994)
The Rules of the Game, dir. Jean Renoir (1939)
Spirited Away, dir. Miyazaki (2002)
Strangers On A Train, dir. Alfred Hitchcock (1950)
Stop Making Sense, dir. Jonathan Demme (1984)
Tootsie, dir. Sydney Pollack (1982)
Touch of Evil, dir. Orson Welles (1958)
Trouble in Paradise, dir. Ernst Lubitsch (1932)
Y Tu Mama Tambien, dir. Alfonso Cuaron (2001)