Friday, December 22, 2006

really, how much alliteration can one man take?

I think it's because South Florida newspapers love alliteration that I hate it so. When I was working for the Herald and the Sentinel, I quickly figured out that any headline or story with alliteration would always make it to print. (Look at today's Herald, I guarantee there are like five headlines with alliteration, and I haven't even read it.) Newspaper people just happen to think it's clever. To me, it's slightly less unimaginative than simple rhyme schemes. And it's bleeding into the blogosphere. Look at some of the names of Herald blogs: Dolphins in Depth, Dre's Dish on Dade--triple alliteration!--Sunflower Seeds, Cuban Connection, Miami Music, Changing Channels, Crazy for Critters. For the love of God, somebody make it stop.