Saturday, June 30, 2007

Florida again poised to play kingmaker

The AP seems to think so:

Unlike the traditional early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire, Florida will test the candidates' ability to compete in a large and ethnically diverse state.

Nearly 20 percent of its 17.7 million residents are Hispanic, and more than 15 percent are black. The state has several large cities as well as vast agricultural areas, while the condo communities that dot the coastline are brimming with newly arrived retirees.

Politically, the state remains nearly as divided as it was during the contested 2000 election, when Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore by just 537 votes. Registered Democrats slightly outnumber registered Republicans, and the ranks of independents are growing.

Republicans have scored big in Florida in recent years, thanks to a muscular political operation developed by the president's brother, former Gov. Jeb Bush. But Democrats picked up two House seats in 2006 and gained ground in the state Legislature.
More here.