Thursday, July 19, 2007

NYT gets it right

This morning's New York Times rips Republicans a new one for their total lack of spine:

Republicans have the right to filibuster under centuries-old rules that this page has long defended. It is the height of hypocrisy for this band of Republicans to use that power since only about two years ago they were ready to unilaterally ban filibusters to push through some of Mr. Bush's most ideologically blinkered judicial nominees.


The Iraq war stands apart as a watershed issue -- a downward spiral that the public increasingly sees as a colossal waste of the nation's blood and treasure.

In postponing real action to September and beyond, Republicans laughed off the all-night debate as a "slumber party" of "twilight zone" theatrics by the Democrats. In fact, Bush loyalists seem trapped in the twilight zone, ducking their responsibility to represent constituents by applying credible pressure on the president to come up with an end to his sorry war.
Makes you wish we had a parliamentary system and could call a no-confidence vote at any time.