Monday, July 10, 2006

Small Colleges Add Football Teams to Lure Male Students

It's sad that it's come to this. Is football the only thing attractive enough to boys anymore? Gee, um, what about academics? I thought that's what college was about. Silly me!

I'm sure glad New College of Florida isn't one of the institutions that feels the need to add sports to attract male students. New College attracts students because of its rigorous curricula and the freedom it offers to create your own. We're 60-40 and, except for the shortage of straight boys (which truly isn't a big deal), we have a wonderful community and a fabulous time. I'd say we're too much for jocks to handle. Especially since the only real, if unofficial, sports team we have is the girls' soccer team.


  1. Anonymous said...

    if you want to get more men to attend a university, they should send out brochures with hot women on the cover and the stat (i read somewhere a year or so ago) that women with higher educations are more likely to engage in more sexual acts than their dumber peers. as well as, how shall i put this, in more creative sexual acts.

  2. Ian said...

    Plz stop generalizing about men kthnxbye.

  3. Andy said...

    This is when things start to get a little tricky Natalia. A good deal of men see athletics as being as intricate a part of college as academics. Saying that college should be limited to academics is just that, limiting.

    So yeah, you might not like football as much as a guy might dislike classes about feminist standpoint theory vs. postmodern feminist theory, but I would hope both parties would be sensible enough to call for either to be done away with in colleges.

  4. Alfred Soto said...

    We're 60-40 and, except for the shortage of straight boys (which truly isn't a big deal)

    The parenthetical remark frightens me.

  5. Alfred Soto said...
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  6. Alfred Soto said...

    It wouldn't hurt to smile a little, you know.

  7. Anonymous said...

    like the article itself said; sports brings in alot more money than what gender studies brings in. and why shouldn't a good athlete who isn't good at acedemics not be allowed to go to school because of the talents he (or she) possesses?

    i agree with andy, "Saying that college should be limited to academics is just that, limiting."