Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday roundup

Got back from Granada late last night. Granada is a gorgeous city and more modern than Seville; almost makes me wish I was spending the six weeks there. And the Alhambra is breath-taking. It's hard to comprehend how the same religion that built it is now being hijacked by a vocal minority of fanatics, and can't find a way to join modernity. I'm going to be in Valencia the next weekend, and Amsterdam the weekend after that.

On the news front, Israelis have possibly the shortest memory of any country in the world in dealing with their neighbors and not repeating their mistakes.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday he authorized the army to do whatever it takes to halt Palestinian rocket fire — even as an Israeli was killed by a salvo from Gaza — but warned his Cabinet there was no quick solution.
Yes, that worked so well a year ago.