Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Are druids creepy or what?

From my private AP wire (wink, wink):

Thousands of dancing and drumming revelers cheered the summer solstice at Stonehenge as an orange sliver of sun rose Wednesday.

About 19,000 New Agers, present-day druids and partygoers gathered inside and around the ancient circle of towering stones to greet the longest day in the northern hemisphere as the sun struggled to peek out against a smoky gray sky.

“This is the nearest thing I’ve got to religion,” said Ray Meadows, 34, of Bristol, England. The solstice “is a way of giving thanks to the earth and the universe.”

Meadows, wearing a wreath of pink carnations over long pink hair-wrapped braids, identified herself as a fairy of the Tribe of Frog.
Wait, never mind, I think I could totally get with this religion:

Crowds of partygoers stumbled toward their cars an hour after sunrise, some clutching nearly empty bottles or beer cans.

One described the crowd as 5 percent pagan and 95 percent partygoer.

And of course, religious zealots always try to ruin the fun:

“Some people here are really spoiling it,” said Chris Sargent, 37, of Bournemouth. “Once upon a time it was really spiritual.”

Sargent, clad in a long black jacket and pants, top hat and fighter pilot goggles, drank vodka and Coke from a two-liter soda bottle and confessed he was “really stoned.”
Cross posted from The Diarist Unbound.