Thursday, March 17, 2005

Cowboy Up!

So, Blake's not guilty. As one who has seen his old interviews on the Tom Snyder show.... um.... well, I won't be saying anything disparaging about the fella! Matter of fact, I'll venture to say he is, above all, not a SPAZZ (like the Pope or that Dom bloke)!

From CNN:

BLAKE: I'm going to get a job. I'm broke. Right now, I couldn't buy spats for a hummingbird. What did Johnny Carson say? You're innocent until proven broke. Well, by the time Gerry and these troops got here, it was the bottom of the barrel. I was a rich man. I'm broke now. I got to go to work.

But before that, I'm going to go out and do a little cowboying. Do you know what that is? No, you don't know what that is.


BLAKE: Cowboying is when you get in a motor home or a van or something like that, and you just let the air blow in your hair, and you wind up in some little bar in Arizona someplace, and you shoot one-handed nine ball with some 90-year-old Portuguese woman that beats the hell out of you.

And the next day, you wind up in a park someplace playing chess with somebody. You go see a high school play where they're doing "West Side Story." And you just roam around and get some revitalization…
He seems like a swell ol' geezer, in his own right. He should be in a David Lynch movie....

Oh, wait! He already was in a David Lynch movie!