Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's a blog off!

Iron Blog!!!--yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. Lindsay Beyerstein of Majikthise is challenging Iron Blogger Culture, Joel Caris.

Here's how it works:

As on Iron Chef, each bout features a theme ingredient. This week's ingredient is...

Objective Journalism

Once the ingredient is announced, The Iron Blogger and The Challenger have 24 hours to compile their 3-6 dish menus. Each "dish" is a topic for a blog post on some aspect of the theme. I hope readers will post topic suggestions below.

Final menus are submitted in secret to the Chairman. Every day for the rest of the week, The Iron Blogger and The Challenger will each post no more than one "dish" on Iron Blog website. The first posts will appear tomorrow. Submissions will be scored by an esteemed panel of judges.