Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Round up

This is some measure of inconpetence, isn't it?

The Democratic amendment was defeated, with 46 votes for and 49 against. The GOP alternative fell by a wider margin, 38 for and 61 against.

What clusterfuck of a bill gets more votes against than the one proposed by the minority part?

There's the left, and then the fanatical left. Evo Morales, a labor leader and arguably Bolivia's most powerful man, has kept his country in economic apoplexy for years now. He's a rambling communist--actually, he's not even a communist; he's more reactionary than anything else--who doesn't understand exactly what he stands for but that doesn't stop him from denouncing neo-liberalism and capitalism with the kind of populist retrograde nonsense rhetoric that gets the poor riled up but doesn't accomplish much else. Morales has brought down the Bolivian government once again with the threat of widespread protests and that's all he seems capable of doing.

LA PAZ, Bolivia - President Carlos Mesa submitted his resignation to Congress on Monday after warning that a wave of protests against his 15-month-old government may soon leave Bolivia's largest cities isolated by road blockades.

Legislators could decide as early at Tuesday whether to accept the resignation, which followed several days of street protests calling for a privatized water company to immediately stop operating and demanding higher taxes on oil companies.

"I cannot continue to govern with threats that strangle the country," Mesa wrote in his letter, referring to plans announced by opposition leader Evo Morales to stage a nationwide blockade of roads, a traditional form of protest in Bolivia.

Of course, Morales is not responsible for the economic situation of his country--nor is he solely responsible for its lack of progress--people like him are the resutl of that poverty. He's had the opportunity to inflict real change but he's either not smart enough to understand how to do it, or just can't because people like him need to be constant victims. Instead he unleashes cliche anti-American attacks that only result in chanting crowds. Like Chavez, he yaps about pan-Latinamerican solidarity while at the same time appealing to his people's antagonism of Chile. I don't think I have a real point, or a solution. Oh well.