Thursday, March 03, 2005

Gibbons vs. a gibbon, next on The Weakest Link

Rep. Jim Gibbons (R-NV)--whose last name is also the name of any of several small arboreal apes of the genus Hylobates of southeast Asia and the East Indies, having a slender body, long arms, and no tail with an IQ commensurate to the congressman's--has refused to appologize for proposing that "those liberals, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippie, tie-dyed liberals... go make their movies and whine somewhere else." Where's somewhere else? According to this simian-brained Nevadian, they should be used as "human shields" in Iraq.

His reason for not apologizing: "It was all said for the soldiers. I support our troops, and don't apologize for that."

UPDATED TO ADD: Apparently there's a blog called Vote Gibbons Out! I hope they're talking about the congressman and not the adorable primates of equal intelligence.

Also, Gibbons vitriolic speech appears to be plagiarized. Check out Eschaton.