Monday, March 21, 2005

Not that I have any emotional stake in Terri Schiavo...

But this whole debate really underscores why I gave up on the Republican party. One of the fundmental pillars of the Republican "ideology" is state's rights. It was why they, supposedly, opposed states being forced to recognize same-sex marriages (that rationale, of course, was deep-sixed by Dubya's push to pass a constitutional ban). But here they go and once again expose a good heap of hypocrisy by forcing a federal effort to reverse a decision already made (several times) by a state court.

The question everyone is asking (and was asked several times before this morning's vote) is why make this mess over one person? Well, that's pretty simple to answer: Mid-term elections!

If they can appeal to just a few more right-to-lifers and Southern Baptists and gain just a bit more leverage in the legislative branch, it's not asking too much to disregard the core values of their party. Because, afterall, values are very important to the Republican party and their voters....

Did anyone else find it painful watching the party with the most blood on its hands in the United States defend a "Culture of Life"?

It's a good thing Schiavo is brain dead. At least she's not cognizant of the circus they've built around her.